Saturday, September 18, 2021

Genius Hour: Powered By Plants

 Hello Adventure Friends!

Today's the day, the sun is shining, the topic has changed! Genius Hour is supposed to be a journey right? If you check out my last blog post you'll see that I have changed my idea to another area I'm very passionate about: plant based eating. 

I have been a vegetarian on and off for over 6 years, and always for the same reason: eating meat at the rate that society does has serious implication on the planet. Between the water used to raise meat for consumption and the land destruction caused by the meat industry there are serious issues with the way we get the food we want, crave, and ultimately need. There is also unnecessary social stigma around 'vegetarians' and 'vegans' and I get a lot of eye rolls when I tell people that I don't eat meat. 

I'm not here to tell people what to do or what to eat - or even not eat. My new big question is "What would happen if we globally reduced meat consumption by 50%?" 

From my own research and understanding before I take on this question I know that it would have significant environmental and health impacts in the long run, but what exactly are they? If I can back up this up with my own research maybe I can convince people to reduce their meat consumption. 

It's not about restriction or limitations to what you 'can or cannot' eat, the goal of this genius question is to raise awareness and engage our minds about where our food comes from and what time, money, energy and sacrifices go into putting it on our plates. 

Ideally I would like to create a product that educates people and gives them simple solutions to integrate more plant based eating into their daily lives. I have put out a survey to some friends on social media to get an idea of what they would like to know, and how they would best learn more (tik tok? ted talk? pdf check lists?). 

I have really started back at square one, but it's all part of the learning process. Okay now who else is hungry???

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