Saturday, September 18, 2021

A Time And Place, And This Is Not Mine

 Hello adventure friends!

We need to have a talk, a serious one, about when it's time to sit down and listen rather than stand up and raise your voice. I have been on my own journey reading through and collecting Indigenous resources on Truth and Reconciliation and have come to feel that it is not my place to include this topic in my Genius Hour project. While I am very passionate about learning more, and including it in my own classrooms as an educator, I don't feel the public presentation of my journey does any service to the Indigenous voices that need the space to speak their truth. Creating a movie trailer - which is the next assignment in this journey - is not the best way to be an ally or present my findings and feelings. To be a real ally is to let Indigenous voices guide the way, and so below I have shared two very helpful Indigenous created resources to learn more and better serve and support their communities. Please take a look & share:

Indigenous Canada: A FREE Indigenous led course through the University of Alberta that teaches Indigenous and Canadian history and its influence on the modern day experience

"How To Be An Ally In Indigenous Led Conservation" A perspective on ally-ship from Land Needs Guardians. 

As mentioned in my last post, I have added "Speaking Our Truth: A Journey of Reconciliation" and "Truth and Reconciliation in Canadian Schools" to my personal library and they have been extremely helpful in my own learning. I hope that my fellow teacher's candidates will do the same. 

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