Saturday, September 4, 2021

Welcome To The Adventure

Happy Everything Adventurers!

My name is Liz Murphy, and I am a teaching candidate at Brock University. My online presence is being developed as I learn, and I encourage you you share and follow along as I share my teaching journey but also past experiences about teaching in the outdoors. 

In the eco-warrior world we learn a lot about our carbon footprint, but now I am learning about my digital footprint. A digital footprint is the presence you have online; can people Google your name? What do they find? What is the impression you leave publicly in the digital world? How does that affect you in the real world?

I grew up in an age where the internet was pretty new and exciting, but it meant that we all had to learn together as it started to become a part of our regular lives. Everyone was pretty nervous about their privacy, and some people still are. As I grow my digital footprint to make myself accessible to students and other teachers, I will take the first steps by working on my Genius Hour project. For the next 5 weeks I will be exploring the question of "How can I integrate Truth and Reconciliation and Traditional Indigenous Knowledges into the classroom and make them accessible for a wide range of ages and students?"

While this is a very big question, with a lot of different answers, it will be my job to break it down into tangible goals, which honestly I don't have totally figured out yet. We also have to remember that there is no one way to answer this question, and I will just have to do my best in the next 5 weeks and always be open to learning and growing past this project. I'll measure my progress here by summarizing research, creating lesson plans, creating connections with Indigenous educators, and keeping an open line of communication about my progress - you can hold me accountable!

Welcome to the adventure, 

Adventure Teacher Liz

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